I’m pressured to start this post with MERRY CHRISTMAS even when I want that to come at the end.
It’s officially CHRISTMAS DAY
and yeah, 6 days to the end of the Gregorian calendar year. I’m super excited.
Christmas is a beautiful season. It was even more beautiful and bountiful as kids but no one remains 10 forever so we’re forced to adapt to this version of Christmas that’s not so Christmassy because well, “I’m grown”
Annoyingly, no one is getting me gifts.
Christmas Day is undeniably one of the most beautiful and peaceful days. It comes with a lot of merry, food, jubilation, and excitement that we can’t possibly explain.
Some people spend the day going to visit friends and families. Some people spend the day merrying(as it should be). A good number spend the day in the church. Some stay at home to watch movies with their families. While the last category stays in bed and stands up at intervals to go eat and come back and sleep(this is my category by the way).
I am dedicating the whole of my day, today, to laying on my bed, with a bowl of chicken and a bottle of coke on my nightstand while watching “Emily in Paris” new episodes on Netflix.
I have over my entire 20 years of existence(I hope you notice what I did there cause my birthday is in a month)spent Christmas on my bed. I have grown to love the idea of having a peaceful Christmas Day or maybe my social introverted self finds it so hard to just mingle or maybe I rather not spend money on someone else’s birthday.
“I don’t know if you believe in Santa and Christmas magic but I do. So you should tap in my believe and don’t forget to make a wish for Christmas. It’s important.”
The day after Christmas is my way of celebrating because I tend to visit at least a person to gift them something for the season, I learned this forcefully from my parents while growing up and I’m used to it. It shows whoever you’re giving a gift that even if you did not reach out the entire year, they were a part of your thoughts.
It is starting to sound like I am motivating you to give gifts but I certainly am, so tomorrow, make sure to give someone out there a share of your love. Make the season count.
After Christmas comes the breeze-like days. A compilation of the days where you lose counts of date and time. We just wake up, eat, drink, merry, sleep, and before you know it, there are the fireworks for the new year up in the sky and greetings on everyone’s lips “Happy New Year”. I strongly hope I can do better this year and have an account of my days, my hope is not strong but better to hope than fear.
In conclusion, Days following up to Christmas always present with this beautiful lighting at night and that is a part of Christmas I can’t invalidate. That lighting always reminds me not just about how close Christmas is but how beautiful the world can be and how sad it would be to give up fighting to live a beautiful life(I’m not about to ruin the pleasant day with this talk).
I am ending this post by wishing you Merry Christmas! Thank you for being a part of my life. I'm blessed to have you in my life. Cheers and I hope this Christmas brings you lots of happiness and positivity. Merry Christmas!
Tap the image below to see my Christmas gift to you😌
Thank you.